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Gingival Treatments

Gingival color is often described as coral pink. Gingival color may vary between individuals and is related to pigmentation of the skin. It appears lighter in light-skinned people and darker in brunette people. The surface structure of the healthy gingiva is rough and looks like an orange peel. This rough appearance disappears when the health of the gum deteriorates. The deterioration of gingiva health or in case of gingiva disease are usually caused by tartars that accumulate in the upper part of the gingiva or in the gingiva.

Scaling of tartar that can cause infection, bleeding and pain in the gingiva is made by hand tools and ultrasonic devices. When not scaled, damage to the bone around the tooth and gingival recession is observed in the long term. One goal of scaling of tartar is to remove stains on the teeth and make the teeth appear whiter.

Curettage is the removal of bacterial foci within the gingiva pocket with local anesthesia in cases where gingival disease and tartar progresses to deep tissues.

When there is unreachable areas by curettage, the area is opened surgically with flap operation, we clean the teeth by seeing the roots and close them with sutures.

In gingivectomy-gingivoplasty, asymmetrical or longer gingiva is corrected by cutting in one session with local anesthesia. With this method, the aesthetics of the smile are obtained.


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